Ethical hacking is bit mysterious to most of us


Ethical Hacking

Hacking and hacker two popular topics which are known and uttered by almost everyone. Ethical hacking is bit mysterious to most of us. So basically, it is a process performed by a company or an organization or any individual to trace any possible threat on a computer or network. It is a process to identify the threat and secure our data and privacy from ill-intended attacker. Such activities can cost organization their valuable hard-earned image and billions of dollars in one single moment.

An ethical hacker attempts to ensure system security from these malicious activities. That is why ethical hacker exists.
The company that owns the system or network allows cyber security engineers to perform such activities in order to testthe systemdefenses. When people hear the term hacking, they often think of someone infecting their computer with a virus, crashing a network and stealing money, or holding a company hostage from their daily operations with ransomware.
They meticulously prove a company’s system to find any weakness and bring them to the attention of the business before the bad actors exploit them.

Ethical hacking is an investment that companies in the modern world can’t afford to do without. To avoid such conditions many organizations like security numbers and other sensitive Information that is the reason hackers are not having very good reputation To ethical workers are supposing to check vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the present system. There is one other face of coins which tells that without hackers the vulnerabilities and holes of the software would remain undiscovered.

Why is ethical hacking important?
Information or data of any organization is the most important asset in today’s life. This applies to all types of organizations whether it is government or private, they all deal with massive amount of sensitive data on daily basis. As a result, they are often targeted by terrorist group, hacker team or cyber criminals.

To be safe and protected organizations takes several security measures and keep updating their security on regular basis. In the time of digitalization organization need to be proactive to measure and update their security on a regular basis. Every day hackers find new ways to penetrate through the barriers of firewall.

Ethical hackers or white hat hacker’s offers a new approach to safety. The perform pen test to check security measures. Generally, they will hack your networks and provide you the relative information about your security insights. After knowing this information an organization can update their security measures.

Types of ethical hacking:
There are different kind of ethical hacking since hackers are also having different ways to hack our network. Below is the list of different types of Ethical Hacking:
1. Web Application Hacking
2. System Hacking
3. Web Server Hacking
4. Hacking Wireless Network
5. Social Engineering

Web application hacking: Web app or penetrate hacking is the practice of testing a computer or network to find security vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit. This practice can be performed automatically or manually. This process highlights the weakness in a company’s security measurements.

It should be performed time to time to check the security performance and it may also be run whenever an organization adds new network or application to system. In case of modification of its application or infrastructure. Applies security patches or modifies end user policies.
System Hacking: System hacking is the way hackers get access to our networks to steal data in an unethical way.

Web Server Hacking: Hackers attack on web server to steal the information, passwords, and sensitive details by using Do’s, sniffing attack and social engineering attacks.
Web Server Hacking: Hackers attack on web server to steal the information, passwords, and sensitive details by using Do’s, sniffing attack and social engineering attacks.
Hacking wireless network: As wireless network communicate in radio waves, so it is very easy to hack from any nearby locations. This is the most used technique to hack any network or computer.

Types of hackers:
There are mainly four different types of ethical hacker depending on the knowledge of the hackers whose intentions are to harm. Basically the term ethical hacking itself says that hacking which is done for the purpose of not to harm rather take preventive measures to maintain the security and safety and check the vulnerabilities in current system.

A.)HACKTIVISTS – This is the technique through which a hacker is hacking into a computer system illegally for any reason may be social or political.

B.) CYBER WARRIOR – It is a kind of hacker who is being hired by an organization or by an organization or by an individual to creep into the system or computer network.

C.) WHITE BOX PENETRATION TESTERS – white box penetration testers are also called as white box hackers. They are the employees those are hired by the organization to break into their current system or computer network.

D.) CERTIFIED ETHICAL HACKER- As the name says itself that certified ethical hacker are those certified or profession in the field of hacking who are performing the duties of both i.e. beat box hackers. They are responsible to look into the system and networks to find out vulnerabilities and weakness.

Impact on society of ethical Hacking:-
Hackers are having very measurable impact on the society. They are attracting more and younger generation. Though it is not bad but it is also very important to know that what exactly hackers are doing for the interest of the society now a day internet has become the Gateway for any computer to connect to the entire world, which also makes it vulnerable to attacks from the hackers across the world.

In this article I have tried to explore the ethics behind the ethical hacking and the problems be with this particular field of Information Technology where security is concerned. These are several fields in computing where hackers made measurable impact on society I have tried to look into different ways how we can make ethical hacking safe and ethical.

What We Do:
If you’ve reached till the end of this article, then it’s anybody’s guess that your organization is in need of a well built team of Ethical Hackers. We, Folksy Digital Branding provide you with the best team of Ethical hackers who will take care of all the sensitive data that any organization is concerned about. You will get the services of White hat, Black hat and Grey hat hackers at one place. We are here to secure your data from malicious activities and provide you with solutions that are most suited to you. Sign up for a free consultation here.

If you’ve reached till the end of this article, then it’s anybody’s guess that your organization is in need of a well built team of Ethical Hackers. We, Folksy Digital Branding provide you with the best team of Ethical hackers who will take care of all the sensitive data that any organization is concerned about. You will get the services of White hat, Black hat and Grey hat hackers at one place. We are here to secure your data from malicious activities and provide you with solutions that are most suited to you. Sign up for a free consultation here.

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